Aldonia recognized as one of the 10 best values in Rioja

Aldonia is current, because it has just published the prestigious Guide “The Finest Wines of Rioja and Northwest Spain” where we have been recognized as one of the top 10 values ??of Rioja. One of the most important guides in the world, especially USA and UK. It assesses both: the “backstage” of each wine, that is, all the work behind; and the value, or as we like say in Aldonia, flavor-price ratio. We are happy twice, because being in the Top-Ten from over 600 wineries in Rioja and so many thousands of marks, it is very difficult, and because of that select group, we are by far the youngest winery, and that is no usual. In short, is a public recognition of all that effort to date, and encourages us to continue to improve to try to satisfy you as best as possible. So thanks to you who have supported us and confide in our project.




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